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COVID Re-Opening – Welcome Back!

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July 16, 2021 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Shindokan Dojo
1545 Cornwall Rd #46
Oakville, ON L6J 0B2
Chris Johnston
COVID Re-Opening - Welcome Back! @ Shindokan Dojo | Oakville | Ontario | Canada

Aikido Shindokan will be open for regular classes again beginning with Ontario’s move into Step 3 of it’s re-openning plan. This is scheduled to occur on Friday, July 16, 2021.

As we move to resume regular training, please keep in mind that we will adhere to all public health guidelines. These include the wearing of face masks at all times within the dojo and the maintenance of social distancing. We must also remain within the 50% capacity limits.

In addition, I would like to ask that, for the safety of all of our members, you only return to the dojo once you have had at least one shot of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. All of the teachers at the dojo have completed their second shots and are fully vaccinated.

We look forward to seeing you all in person!