Payet Sensei will be teaching a five-day clinic at the Del Mar Highlands Dojo in San Diego, California. Speak with Sensei for more information if you are interested in attending.
This is our monthly Brown/Black Belt Class. It is *** FREE OF CHARGE *** and open to 3rd Kyu and above students. The goal is to provide an opportunity for senior students to practice together as we explore the riai within our kihon dosa and kihon waza.
If you are currently working through an injury you should keep in mind that this is NOT meant to be a “knock ‘em down and drag ‘em out” type of training. Instead, this training is intended to improve our aikido by fostering depth of understanding and breadth of connections.
The class is open to all Yoshinkan students 5th Kyu and above from any dojo. If you have friends in other dojo who you think might be interested, please feel free to pass on the information. This is a wonderful opportunity for serious students to learn directly from the highest-ranking Yoshinkan teacher in the world today!
Throughout his lessons, Kimeda Sensei will be highlighting the importance of weapons training in our study of Yoshinkan Aikido. A small number of bokken will be available to borrow but attendees should bring their own full set of weapons.
Aikido Yoshinkai Canada would like to announce that NORIKI SHIHAN, Head of the Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, will be conducting a weekend series of clinics from Friday April 17 to Sunday April 19, 2020. All classes will be held at the Canadian Japanese Cultural Centre of Hamilton
Aikido Shindokan will be open for regular classes again beginning with Ontario’s move into Step 3 of it’s re-openning plan. This is scheduled to occur on Friday, July 16, 2021.
As we move to resume regular training, please keep in mind that we will adhere to all public health guidelines. These include the wearing of face masks at all times within the dojo and the maintenance of social distancing. We must also remain within the 50% capacity limits.
In addition, I would like to ask that, for the safety of all of our members, you only return to the dojo once you have had at least one shot of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. All of the teachers at the dojo have completed their second shots and are fully vaccinated.
We look forward to seeing you all in person!
This is the return of our monthly Brown/Black Belt Class. It is *** FREE OF CHARGE *** and open to 3rd Kyu and above students. The goal is to provide an opportunity for senior students to practice together as we explore the riai within our kihon dosa and kihon waza.
If you are currently working through an injury you should keep in mind that this is NOT meant to be a “knock ‘em down and drag ‘em out” type of training. Instead, this training is intended to improve our aikido by fostering depth of understanding and breadth of connections.
This is our monthly Kenshu Class. It is *** FREE OF CHARGE *** and open to students 3RD KYU and above. The goal is to provide an opportunity for senior students to practice together as we explore the riai within our kihon dosa and kihon waza.
If you are currently working through an injury you should keep in mind that this is NOT meant to be a “knock ‘em down and drag ‘em out” type of training. Instead, this training is intended to improve our aikido by fostering depth of understanding and breadth of connections.