
Aikido Shindokan

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Agatsu – Mindfulness in Martial Arts

Agatsu – Mindfulness in Martial Arts

One of the martial arts terms that has always resonated with me is “Agatsu”. A term that has much to do with mindfulness in martial arts and unlocking the real power in our training. I remember discovering the term at the beginning of my Aikido studies , when I was...

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Kihon Dosa: The Basics of Basics

Kihon Dosa: The Basics of Basics

In Yoshinkan Aikido, the Kihon Dosa are considered to be a distillation of the key physical skills and principles inherent in everything we do.  They include:  Tai no Henko, Hiriki no Yosei, and Shumatsu Dosa.  Each of these has a #1 and a #2, so this...

Why Study Aikido?

Why Study Aikido?

Why would anyone study something like Aikido? It’s an interesting question in a world inundated with martial arts clubs that profess to turn you into a back-alley bruiser or that dazzle you with tall shiny trophies all lined up attractively in their store fronts. It’s...